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$20 USD
Per user, per month billed annually
$30 USD billed monthly

SphereX Inspiring Trust : Partnering With Top-tier Investors

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1-click code setup
Pay as you grow pricing
Verifiable security
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Protect your smart contracts and gain trust with SphereX - First on chain security
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Get Answers to the Most Asked Questions

Q: How does SphereX Protect works?

SphereX Protect is a smart contract that protects other smart contracts at runtime. By conducting off-chain ML analysis of contract’s behaviors and uploading safe behavioral patterns on-chain, SphereX Protect automatically detects and reverts suspicious transactions before they are finalized, while maintaining the contract’s continuity.This way, the SphereX Protect solution provides security and continuity without compromising on composability or decentralization.

Q: How is this solution integrated with my smart contract?

The integration is done automatically and seamlessly within minutes. The integration itself is based on standard contract inheritance and modifiers.

Q: Is this solution decentralized? Who is in control?

The SphereX Protect is as decentralized as you desire it to be. Each contract within the solution incorporates a role-based operation structure that empowers you to determine who is in control and with what privileges. It complies with any governance structure - fully decentralized or completely centralized, at the customer’s choice.

Q: What happens when I update my smart contract?

Regardless of such an update, your contract will remain protected by SphereX Protect. The new code will undergo an automatic integration process and a new baseline will be introduced for the new logic. This process is needed to assimilate and merge the new possible behaviors with the existing data about the smart contract's operation.

Q: Is the protection done on-chain?

Yes, the protection of the smart contract is entirely conducted on-chain, during the execution of a given transaction in the target contract, and before the block is finalized and published.The on-chain nature of the SphereX Protect allows a verifiable proof that your smart contract is protected by SphereX.

Q: In what way SphereX’s solution is different from monitoring solutions?

Monitoring solutions typically involve analyzing finalized transactions and utilizing additional chain data to detect suspicious activity after it’s finalized, and the damage is done. Even in ideal cases of pre-incident alert, it leaves the protocol with the choice to pause the protocol and lose trust (especially if it’s false positive). SphereX’s solution (a smart contract itself) continuously checks and blocks malicious transactions, while allowing all other activity to continue normally.